Who the Heck am I

Welcome to my blog, I ran out of storage space on my last blog so instead of purchasing more space I decided to start another.

Photographing is one of my biggest passions in life. I've been a photographer for 20+ years. Although I have sold some of my work I consider myself an advance amateur. Which means I'm pretty good at pretending to know what I am doing. I arrived from Massachusetts to Northern Kentucky September 16, 2001. I hated it, for months I complained about living here, besides all the redneck jokes I would get there was nothing about Northern Kentucky I enjoyed, when I got over myself I dusted off my camera and headed for the hills, literally, I never fully understood what a beautiful place this is until I was given my first digital camera as a Christmas gift. In all honesty you couldn't get me to move out of this state.

Living so near to Cincinnati (I live right across the river) no other city can offer me more. Art museums, Cincinnati Zoo, symphony, theatre, aquarium, amusement park, Dozens of parks, one of the largest and most amazing firework display in the country and so much more. If you are from the area you know what I am talking about, if you're not, believe me when I say In and Around Northern Kentucky is worth the visit.

I know you will want to check out my other blog, I have shot photographs at the Behringer-Crawford Museum, Cincinnati Museum Center, Cincinnati Zoo, Creation Museum, Eden Park, Findlay Market, Fountain, Square, Krohn Conservatory, Rabbit Hash, KY, Railway Museum, Smale Park, Spring Grove Cemetery and much more. Just click on the link below.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Back to Smale Park

I headed back to Smale Park to photograph what I couldn't before and to try different angles with what I have photographed in the past. It was so beautiful there, no children, very few people. You have to take a look at the last photo, it is totally creepy. Do you see the same thing I do?

Click on photo for a much larger view.

Monday, September 24, 2012

What The Heck Is That?

A week ago early Friday morning Greg woke me up to ask me if my camera was in my car. Silly Greg he knows better then that, I would never leave my camera in the car, I don't lock my car since I broke the key in the lock and I'm to cheap to spend $70.00 to get it removed yet, I say yet because it is starting to get annoying. Anyway, "Why do you ask?" I said, "someone broke into our cars last night," Greg informed me. Ha Ha the jokes on them, that previous Monday just four days earlier I went to the car wash and completely cleaned out my car of EVERYTHING, Greg did the same thing in his car just two weeks prior, the work vehicle didn't fair as well, they stole the GPS, as funny as it seems both Greg and I actually thought we were pretty lucky, why? we both had our cars unlocked and the thieves managed to get the back window on the truck opened so no windows were smashed. I would rather deal with missing objects then having to have to fix some windows. Regardless when something like this happens you feel a little violated. That same day off to Home Depot we went, we bought a security camera with night vision, 2 remote sensors and 1 light sensor. My thought, why didn't we do this sooner? At first I was a little reprehension about telling my kids in fear they would think we were some kind of weirdos getting all this security stuff, (we aren't done buying yet) anyway my son thought it was cool and my daughter said she and her husband were thinking about doing the same thing. Phew, no need to worry about having weirdos in your family because they all live in mine. I do love my kids, I feel a little bad that they are a bit like me. LOL 

The photo below is the camera in night vision mode, it is a lot lighter then it appears, when looking at the screen it really does look like it is daylight, Greg wants 5 more cameras I just want 2 more sensors, I'm going to win because I'm not ready to spend $600.00 more, I mean seriously that is almost half of what my camera costs and I really want my new camera.
So what do you think? Are we way out there or do you think we have the right idea? What did all this cost us? Right around $200.00. I really do feel a lot safer. Would you do this?

Thursday, September 20, 2012

It's Official

I would like for ya'll to meet my future daughter-in-law. I couldn't be more thrilled!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Helloooooo, I'm Still Here

I know I haven't been around much, I started this job, it was suppose to be a part timer but apparently the company I work for and I have two definitions of what part time is. Don't get me wrong I really like my job however, the older you get the harder it is to juggle work and gettin things done around the house. I think part of the money I make is going to have to go towards hiring someone to get things done around here. Hahahaha, who am I kiddin.

This coming weekend is Zinzinnati aka Oktoberfest in downtown Cincinnati, if you're around definitely  another good time if you like lots of food and enjoy drinking lots of beer. Hey if anyone is from this area could you explain the Zinzinnati part of it? Please!!!

Are you ready for this? The low tonight is going to be 43 degrees. If it were a 11 degrees colder it could actually snow, that's right I said the "S" word. Life for all you Summer lovers is now O V E R. It's my turn to enjoy. Bring on Fall!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Oktoberfest in Mainstrasse

Today could not have been anymore perfect, the weather was unbelievable, the company was great and the food was oh so yummy. These are the times I wish I liked beer, I know can you be anymore unamerican then not liking beer? We got there about 1:30pm and the place was absolutely packed. Your missing a lot if you don't head on down.

 Don't be fooled by the expression, these ladies loved having their photo taken.
 Okay so these guys aren't the Dave Matthews band (yes I know who the Dave Matthews band is) but they got the crowd going and you could tell they were having a blast.
 Biggest damn skillet I've ever seen

 If you get a chance stop on by this food booth, that young man is a hoot. Make sure he isn't the last person to count your change...those were his words, not mine.

 I'll take his word for that one.

 The flowers above are so sweet, they actually lure mosquito's into the pockets with their nectar and they drown in the nectar, this is the cool part, the nectar eventually dissolves the mosquito. We were so tempted to buy one.

 They were just so out of place.

These guys were good, stop and have a listen if your in the area.

Better Luck Next Time

Tonight I've been watching the radar all evening. This massive front ranged from the U.P. of Michigan to Mexico with thunderstorms right in the middle which included us....YAY!!! By 9:30p.m. I started to see some lightning, I packed up my camera and headed out the door to the park. It wasn't until I got to my favorite spot that I realized the storm was oh so far away, it was going to be a while before I'd be able to photograph any lightning. I wasn't about to head back home so off I went in search of photos, which brought me to the photos below, the Reds were playing or I should say they attempted to play as they ended up losing in the 9th inning the stadium however, did make a good background. After about an hour I started to see the storm coming closer, I headed back to the park with excitement, set the camera up and waited and waited and waited and waited. Just as the storm was starting to pick up it started to rain, actually rain is a bit of an understatement, if Noah were alive today I really believe he would have started building the arc. It is now nearly 12:30am and it is still pouring outside. Alas I'll have to wait another day to try to photograph lightning.

 Can you find the human? If you can't I'll reveal it at some point today.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Smells Like Bacon

Went cruising around the city, talk about a pig moment. I know the flying pig marathon is a huge deal in Cincinnati but I think they may have gone a little overboard with all the pigs. This is just a small sampling.

 Then I came across the sky....definitely time to head on home before it starts to pour.
In case you're wondering I made it home just in time, Phew!!!

Did Not Happen

As much as I wanted to go to the overlook last night to watch the fireworks the rain just wouldn't quit, we sat at home and watched them on TV, I know really not the same at all but still enjoyable. I couldn't help but feel a tinge of regret when I saw so many fireworks that I wished I could have photographed. Summer in the Northern Kentucky/Cincinnati area has officially ended, which means cooler temps and back to enjoying the cooler weather...............C'mon Fall!!!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

WEBN Fireworks Show Before the Party Gets Started

I decided to do a little recon before the big event tonight, I was surprised that more boats were not on the river yet but it was only 3:30p.m. We haven't decided if we are going tonight, we haven't been for years, we are not people persons. We have special permission to park in the parking lot at the overlook in Devou Park, if the rain holds out and that is a huge IF, we might go up there, since I only have a wide angle lens the fireworks will be much further away. We'll see.

 Someone above decided to bring a floating platform and tent to the party. I have to admit, awesome idea.

 Another group having some fun. This photo was taken on Riverside Drive, I had to photograph from my car, you were not allowed to park on the street.....anywhere, even the residence had to move their vehicles.
 All lined up.
 Another party. This one is well, how do I say this, someone was lacking brains when they decided it was alright to swim in the river. Do you think they have any idea that at times sewers back up into the Ohio River. Totally gross!
 Sawyer Point, all good seats are taken.
 National Guard? That wasn't the surprising part, $20.00 for parking now that was a shocker. I didn't take a photo but the parking lot was nearly empty.

Another tree in the park bites the dust.