I would like for you to meet Logan. Logan is a stray kitty that has been going between our house and two other neighbors houses for a few weeks now, we are all feeding him and giving him something to sleep on at night, yesterday we had a Minnie snow storm, our first in the new house but that is another story, it snowed about 4 inches enough to make it miserable for such a tiny cat, Greg, the little sap that he is couldn't stand the thought of kitty being out on such a godforsaken night, as luck would have it kitty...now known as Logan came by the house for a little snacky, Logan was snatched up and placed in one of the doggie crates, for his own safety. He wasn't happy about it but he stayed in the crate all night. By late morning we decided to let him out and see how he would fit in with the rest of the rug rats, well stupid me thought Logan would get chewed up by the dogs, little did I know that it would be the dogs that would need the protecting, a few swipes of the paw sent Jasper running down the stairs and Jessie hiding by the back door, Jessie won't come back upstairs. Greg has decided he wants to keep him, I guess I can go along with that for now, I know Logan will calm down after his snip, snip procedure.