Who the Heck am I

Welcome to my blog, I ran out of storage space on my last blog so instead of purchasing more space I decided to start another.

Photographing is one of my biggest passions in life. I've been a photographer for 20+ years. Although I have sold some of my work I consider myself an advance amateur. Which means I'm pretty good at pretending to know what I am doing. I arrived from Massachusetts to Northern Kentucky September 16, 2001. I hated it, for months I complained about living here, besides all the redneck jokes I would get there was nothing about Northern Kentucky I enjoyed, when I got over myself I dusted off my camera and headed for the hills, literally, I never fully understood what a beautiful place this is until I was given my first digital camera as a Christmas gift. In all honesty you couldn't get me to move out of this state.

Living so near to Cincinnati (I live right across the river) no other city can offer me more. Art museums, Cincinnati Zoo, symphony, theatre, aquarium, amusement park, Dozens of parks, one of the largest and most amazing firework display in the country and so much more. If you are from the area you know what I am talking about, if you're not, believe me when I say In and Around Northern Kentucky is worth the visit.

I know you will want to check out my other blog, I have shot photographs at the Behringer-Crawford Museum, Cincinnati Museum Center, Cincinnati Zoo, Creation Museum, Eden Park, Findlay Market, Fountain, Square, Krohn Conservatory, Rabbit Hash, KY, Railway Museum, Smale Park, Spring Grove Cemetery and much more. Just click on the link below.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Metamora, Indiana

I know that I've been really slacking lately with the blog, I'm still dealing with this pinched nerve that has made my entire arm tingly and my fingers numb. I have such a hard time on the computer, it is uncomfortable and at times painful....blah, blah, blah, I'm just as bored as you are.

Saturday I wanted to get out of the house so bad, I jumped into the car and headed to Metamora, Indiana.

Metamora is Indiana's cherished 1838 canal town. Snuggled in southeastern Indiana's gorgeous countryside, Metamora is immersed in history and famous for its preservation of Indiana's oldest and still operating water-powered grist mill. I'm probably one of the few that doesn't know what a grist mill is so just in case someone else out there doesn't know either a grist mill is a building in which grain is ground into flour. You've just become a little smarter if you didn't know what it was....you're welcome.

Metamora is one of the most charming and fascinating towns in Indiana!  Well known for it's wide range of delightful shops, restaurants, friendly shopkeepers, events, festivals, and tasty eats and treats.  A must see town that retains all of its traditional charm and languid atmosphere, unless of course you decided to visit this time of year. When I arrived I found only a few shops open, no restaurants, the worst part....no bathrooms were open. My stay was a short one.

On a scale of 1-5 I rate this adventure a 2. If you were to go at the height of the season this is absolutely an easy 5. If you get a chance bring cash and a credit card, you'll go home with loads of good stuff to buy and eat.

The photos below are only a small, very small sampling of what this little village has to offer.

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