Who the Heck am I

Welcome to my blog, I ran out of storage space on my last blog so instead of purchasing more space I decided to start another.

Photographing is one of my biggest passions in life. I've been a photographer for 20+ years. Although I have sold some of my work I consider myself an advance amateur. Which means I'm pretty good at pretending to know what I am doing. I arrived from Massachusetts to Northern Kentucky September 16, 2001. I hated it, for months I complained about living here, besides all the redneck jokes I would get there was nothing about Northern Kentucky I enjoyed, when I got over myself I dusted off my camera and headed for the hills, literally, I never fully understood what a beautiful place this is until I was given my first digital camera as a Christmas gift. In all honesty you couldn't get me to move out of this state.

Living so near to Cincinnati (I live right across the river) no other city can offer me more. Art museums, Cincinnati Zoo, symphony, theatre, aquarium, amusement park, Dozens of parks, one of the largest and most amazing firework display in the country and so much more. If you are from the area you know what I am talking about, if you're not, believe me when I say In and Around Northern Kentucky is worth the visit.

I know you will want to check out my other blog, I have shot photographs at the Behringer-Crawford Museum, Cincinnati Museum Center, Cincinnati Zoo, Creation Museum, Eden Park, Findlay Market, Fountain, Square, Krohn Conservatory, Rabbit Hash, KY, Railway Museum, Smale Park, Spring Grove Cemetery and much more. Just click on the link below.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

First Paco the Woodpecker and Now......

.....Paco the puppy. We rescued Paco from the middle of Madison and 26th street, he wouldn't get out of the road so we snatched him up, we have been looking for his owner but have not found anything yet, looks to me  he is a Dalmatian puppy, his spots are just starting to come out. Today I will be heading out to the kennel to check the lost and found board. He is just a great puppy we hate to give him up but I can't imagine his family doesn't want him back. Stay tune for details. 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Great Way to Wake Up

Excuse the quality, I just woke up and didn't make any adjustments to my camera.

Why I Haven't Been Around Much

I decided to take the plunge, living here in the house with walls that just annoy the crap out of me was enough. The last two weeks I have been prepping the downstairs I still have another week before I start cleaning then painting, believe me when I say this is not a project for the faint hearted, what an ordeal it has been, I knew the walls would need some work just didn't know how much until I climbed on the ladder, way to much patch work and sanding I've also had to remove all the caulking around the windows and door frames then recaulk them,  which is where in the process I have am currently at. I had to stop sanding for a little while to give my shoulders a break, ouchy. I still have the the hallway, stairway up to the second floor and the half bath, I am not even going to attempt the kitchen until I have finished the rest of the downstairs and have taken a nice break, the kitchen is very scary.  What a mess but worth it.

Monday, January 6, 2014

A December Afternoon Curise

With the sun out and the temperature tolerable I headed out the door with camera in hand headed down RT. 177 and eventually down some side roads. 

 This view I have photographed before, I couldn't remember if I had the cows in any of the previous photos sooooooo.
 This was photographed in Ryland Heights, a small confined community that is pretty well hidden off of RT. 177. I've been through the neighborhood before, if it wasn't for the golf course that seems to surround the majority of the neighborhood I could easily live here.

 What kind of day would I have if I didn't take a photo of a cow. He is a little hard to see but he is looking right at me.

How can you not love the Kentucky countryside?

How About This View

I decided to take a quicker way home, cutting through heading towards RT. 9, I hit the peak of the hill and saw this, looking at the beautiful hillside it was depressing to see this in the background, I felt sad for the few residences on this road that had no choice but to accept the fact that as long as they lived here this would always be their view. I am almost certain that they did not choose this and because of this their property value had to dramatically decrease.