Who the Heck am I

Welcome to my blog, I ran out of storage space on my last blog so instead of purchasing more space I decided to start another.

Photographing is one of my biggest passions in life. I've been a photographer for 20+ years. Although I have sold some of my work I consider myself an advance amateur. Which means I'm pretty good at pretending to know what I am doing. I arrived from Massachusetts to Northern Kentucky September 16, 2001. I hated it, for months I complained about living here, besides all the redneck jokes I would get there was nothing about Northern Kentucky I enjoyed, when I got over myself I dusted off my camera and headed for the hills, literally, I never fully understood what a beautiful place this is until I was given my first digital camera as a Christmas gift. In all honesty you couldn't get me to move out of this state.

Living so near to Cincinnati (I live right across the river) no other city can offer me more. Art museums, Cincinnati Zoo, symphony, theatre, aquarium, amusement park, Dozens of parks, one of the largest and most amazing firework display in the country and so much more. If you are from the area you know what I am talking about, if you're not, believe me when I say In and Around Northern Kentucky is worth the visit.

I know you will want to check out my other blog, I have shot photographs at the Behringer-Crawford Museum, Cincinnati Museum Center, Cincinnati Zoo, Creation Museum, Eden Park, Findlay Market, Fountain, Square, Krohn Conservatory, Rabbit Hash, KY, Railway Museum, Smale Park, Spring Grove Cemetery and much more. Just click on the link below.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Will Return in Early April

Well it looks as though all is set for the selling of the condo, I will be heading up to Michigan leaving behind my sweet babies...oh and Greg too...lol to pack and empty the condo, by myself, no internet, no tv, I'm bringing lots of books too. I know I'll be taking some time to go and photograph as well so stay tune for when I return I'm sure I'll have a lot of photos.

Take care and Happy Easter to anyone who may stop by.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Big Bone Lick State Park/Rabbit Hash, KY

 My plan was to hit downtown Cincy to try some street photography, with the temperature almost hitting the 70 degree mark Greg on his bike and me in the Subee decided to head south where we went to Big Bone Lick State Park, I really wanted to see the Bison, unfortunately the first two photos were about as active as the Bison would be. Walking back the 1/2 mile trek through the mud we decided our next stop would be Rabbit Hash, KY to get something to drink, apparently two hundred other bikers had the same idea.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Fernald Nature Preserve +

As promised I headed out to the nature preserve, I was extremely disappointed for two reasons, 1. Birds were just about non existent, 2. I hate to say this because I know a lot of thought and planning went into creating the preserve but it kinda was lacking, I really wanted more scenic views, instead out of the 4 viewing areas two were just alright, the other 2 are really not worth mentioning. I didn't take the time this trip to visit the visitor centre, I will next time. I will return, I believe I will wait for a nice early May day when a lot of the birds are back, not willing to give up the possibilities. As for this trip on a scale of 1-5 I'll have to rate it a 3, barely. Oh I forgot to mention and I'm not sure if Greg meant this as a compliment but when I got back home Greg said I looked different, I was glowing.....lmao

The last two photos were taken on a little trip back to Stewartsville, KY.

Tomorrow the weather is suppose to be cloudy but in the 60's, thinking about heading to the city.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Fernald Nature Preserve

Fernald Nature Preserve use to be the site of a uranium processing facility which produced uranium fuel cores for U.S. nuclear weapons production complex from 1951-1989 until it was discovered that the plant was releasing millions of pounds of uranium dust into the atmosphere causing major radioactive contamination of the surrounding area.

4.4 billion dollars was spent on the cleanup that started in 1992 and ended in October of 2006, 12 years sooner then expected, In December of 2006 the nature preserve was created. It has been said that the preserve will have to be monitored very closely most likely forever, it will never be safe for human habitation.

So you are probably asking yourself why on Earth would I want to even visit there, lol, Greg asked me the same question and then declined my invitation to join me. The preserve itself is harmless, as long as the birds and animals are not dying I think it is pretty safe to venture out at least one time, I have seen many amazing photographs from club members, so this little trip I believe is worth the unlikely risk.

As always....Stay Tune

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Yay!!! I Love Snow

When I wake up in the morning they say 6" of snow should be on the ground. Love it!

Stewartsville, KY School

I spent a lot of time here exploring, looking through all the windows and doors, when I was through the owner drove up to see how the photos were coming along. He looked as though he was well into his sixties, white hair and very soft spoken, I apologized for trespassing, he said he didn’t mind at all and that the old school house brought a lot of photographers to the area. “Old school house?” I asked, “Yes, the Stewartsville School was over one hundred years old, it taught school children through the 8th grade until 1934 when the old school house closed down,” he said sounding as though he has repeated those exact words to many like myself. Since then it was bought by this old gentleman who was eager to tell  me everything he knew about the old school house which was basically repeating the same information.....lol, I didn't mind and hung on his every word.It saddens me to know he now uses it as storage. It’s a little heartbreaking to know that such a vital piece of American history isn't being restored and by the looks of it will be falling down probably sometime in the near future.

I didn’t add this to my Eugene story but when I brought up the old school to Eugene he was so excited to tell me that his mother attended the school.

Stewartsville, Ky

This little adventure that I took today has to be one of the most interesting. Not only with the subjects I photographed but also with all those I met and told me their stories. First on the list is Eugene, as I was passing by the house that I photographed below Eugene was outside wandering around the front yard, I found out later that he was waiting for someone to pick up some contents in the house. I actually passed by the house two more times, each time having him wave at me, that is when I decided that I had to stop and investigate a little further. Immediately after saying hello to Eugene he wanted to know who I was, not in a vicious way, in a way that expressed curiosity. I introduced myself and complimented him how photogenic his house was, I didn’t realize and became extremely grateful that what followed was a brief history of this house.

The house was built in 1918, replacing the old house that burned down, electricity was added many years later, Eugene didn’t own the house, he never really put a name to the owner, he just explained that 3 generations had lived in this house, the previous occupant died this past December at the age of 75. I was stunned to find out that anyone had actually lived in the house that recently considering the condition it was in.

Eugene continued by the telling me that the gentleman slept on the floor, had no running water or indoor plumbing, he lived there all his life, never married. I still find it hard to believe that anyone in this country would live this way voluntarily.
I was invited back to the house after it was emptied to photograph the inside whenever I like, I really believe he wants to have another opportunity to tell me more, so of course I told Eugene that I would be taking him up on his offer.

I have more but it's getting late, I'll continue this in the morning.

 The photo above I was told is where food was kept during the winter, kept it cold but never froze since it was built into the ground.
 Eugene didn't have an explanation as to why the porch swing was so high.

How could you not photograph the outhouse, can’t imagine how inconvenient this had to be on those really cold winter days.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Hang In There

I know I promised photos from my little adventure from yesterday, as it turned out it we had snow showers all day so I postponed my trip until today. I am currently working on the photos now, I have a lot so hang in there I think you'll enjoy.

Saturday, March 2, 2013


Really not much in the photography part of my life, I've been trying to get the condo in Michigan up for sale, that should happen in the next 10 days or so, selling a home long distance is a little difficult, we have also been looking for houses down here and although it may seem a little premature I've actually started throwing away and packing up stuff. I did get some good news about the condo and the Realtor believes we can get more money for the condo then she originally thought, of course I already knew that.  You know it's bad enough to have to pack up one house but having to pack up two is a bit overwhelming. The reward is worth it though.

Last weekend Greg and I went down to Williamstown to look at a house, we liked it but we have now decided to just look for a house in the Covington area however, while trying to find this house I passed up a lot of photographic opportunities, I'm seriously thinking about going back tomorrow, so stay tuned I think the results will be worth it.