Who the Heck am I

Welcome to my blog, I ran out of storage space on my last blog so instead of purchasing more space I decided to start another.

Photographing is one of my biggest passions in life. I've been a photographer for 20+ years. Although I have sold some of my work I consider myself an advance amateur. Which means I'm pretty good at pretending to know what I am doing. I arrived from Massachusetts to Northern Kentucky September 16, 2001. I hated it, for months I complained about living here, besides all the redneck jokes I would get there was nothing about Northern Kentucky I enjoyed, when I got over myself I dusted off my camera and headed for the hills, literally, I never fully understood what a beautiful place this is until I was given my first digital camera as a Christmas gift. In all honesty you couldn't get me to move out of this state.

Living so near to Cincinnati (I live right across the river) no other city can offer me more. Art museums, Cincinnati Zoo, symphony, theatre, aquarium, amusement park, Dozens of parks, one of the largest and most amazing firework display in the country and so much more. If you are from the area you know what I am talking about, if you're not, believe me when I say In and Around Northern Kentucky is worth the visit.

I know you will want to check out my other blog, I have shot photographs at the Behringer-Crawford Museum, Cincinnati Museum Center, Cincinnati Zoo, Creation Museum, Eden Park, Findlay Market, Fountain, Square, Krohn Conservatory, Rabbit Hash, KY, Railway Museum, Smale Park, Spring Grove Cemetery and much more. Just click on the link below.

Friday, August 24, 2012


Hello fellow bloggers, well it has been a busy week, I've finished up my first week on the new job. This is my space, the mess was created before my official arrival. I've learned a few things that they failed to mention before I agreed to work. Today the company and I really met for the first time, I found out how they like things and they have found out how it is really going to be. 
1. See the fan? That's there because they don't like to pay for A/C. Obviously they really haven't met the real me yet either. I live in  the Midwest, today it was in the 90's, today the A/C was cranked and the fan was on. No one better lay a hand on my fan.
2. If you move slightly to the right of the fan on the floor you will see a space heater, they will be learning more about me in the winter too. The thermostat says that during the winter the heat is not to be above 64 degrees. Like that is never going to happen. 72 degrees baby!!!
3. See the garbage cans on the floor filled to the top not to mention no liners in them? They still haven't been emptied but I'll be taking care of that when the liners that I've ordered come in. I mean how gross is that?
4. It is hard to tell but take a look at the computer monitor, I mean hello the 90's called and they want their monitor back. Good thing I have a spare flat screen.
5. Oh and what up with the big pipe wrench in the ladies bathroom? Do I need to bang the toilet harder next time to get it to flush?

If you are living in the area and reading this before 10p.m. tonight is the last night for the Reds firework event. Can't believe that summer is almost over......I want snow!!! Stay tuned for more firework photos, I'm sure you'll be glad to get a break from them.

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